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Sabtu, 11 Februari 2023

Pengertian Pada Sinyal LTE


Pengertian Pada Sinyal LTE

Apa itu RSRP (Received Signal Reference Power) merupakan parameter yang menyatakan tingkat kekuatan sinyal yang diterima oleh user dalam satuan dBm. Nilainya bergantung jarak user dengan eNodeB. Semakin jauh maka semakin lemah, begitu juga dengan sebaliknya, user yang berada di luar jangkauan maka tidak akan mendapatkan layanan LTE. Pada teknologi GSM (2G) RSRP disebut juga RxLev, sedangkan pada UMTS (3G) disebut juga RSCP.


Apa itu SINR (Signal to Interference and Noise Ratio) merupakan parameter yang menyatakan tingkat kualitas sinyal yang diterima oleh user dalam satuan dB.  SINR merupakan perbandingan kekuatan sinyal terima dengan derau/interferensi. 

Apa itu RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator) merupakan parameter yang menyatakan keseluruhan daya sinyal yang diterima oleh user dalam satuan dBm.

Apa itu RSRQ (Received Signal Reference Quality) merupakan perbandingan antara RSRP dan RSSI.

5. CQI
Apa itu CQI (Channel Quality Indicator) merupakan parameter yang menyatakan kualitas kanal downlink. CQI diukur dalam keadaan dedicated atau saat user mengunduh data dalam satuan dBm.

Senin, 18 November 2019

3G_Call Setup Failure Analysis

Call Setup Failure Analysis

Berikut adalah langkah langakah yang harus dicek untuk mengetahui penyebab gagalnya melaukan panggilan.

  1. Call Setup Failure Analysis (RF issue)
  2. Call Setup Failure Analysis- System Issue BTS
  3. Call Setup Analysis – BTS Issue
  4. Call Setup Failure Analysis- L1 Sync
  5. Call Setup Failure Analysis- System issue RNC
  6. Call Setup Failure Analysis- Core Network
  7. Call Setup Failure Analysis- System Issue (Test Number )
Oke langsung saja ya, jadi kita tuh harus tahu dulu apa sih yang meneybabkan gagal melakukan pangilan, apakah karena sinyal/BTS yg jelak atau Hp nya yg jelek.

Oke, lalu apa saja sih yang harus di cek jika gagal melakukan panggilan kerena dari sisi RF ini dia yang harus di cek.-->  Coverage / Interference / Missing Neighbor.
Coverage : cek sinyal diarea tersebut bagus atau tidak, plot hasil drive test ke map info atau bisa juga mengunakan actix seperti gambar dibawah.

jika ternyata gagal pangilan disebabkan karena sinyal yg jelek / low coverage lakukan physical tuning / site audit untuk site yang terdekat dengan spot tersebut. jika memang masih memungkinkan untuk di lakukan optim ya lakukan opim, jika ternyata tidak bisa, maka di uslukan saja untuk melakukan penambahan site baru.

Interference : kordinasi dg team RNO untuk bantu cek apakah ada Interference atau tidak, jika RNO tidak mau bantu support pecat aja RNO nya.

Jumat, 15 Juli 2016

TCH Assignment Success Rate

Q. How to do improve the TCH assignment Success Rate of GSM Cells for ZTE equipment? What parameters to do change in order to improve this KPI

A. 1.  We can gain better rates by changing Half Rate / Full Rate discrimination levels. Further more little amount of TCH congestion can be overcome by changing SDD time slot to TCH.
     2. focus on removing tch congestion...chk for hardware issues.
     3. Make sure that it is a radio issue sometimes can be abis interface congestion and we can also try increasing the RxLevAccessMin, it is the easiest way, but not necessarily the right one. First try to improve the RF environment through physical optimization

Selasa, 05 Juli 2016

what is difference between TDD & FDD in LTE ?

Q: what is difference between TDD & FDD in LTE ?

A: In FDD, the uplink and downlink channels are placed on different frequencies and can be in operation at the same time - hence "frequency-divided". In TDD, the uplink and downlink channels are placed at the same frequency and operate at different times - hence "time-divided". In most respects the actual signalling and data exchange methods are the same, though TDD requires tight control over synchronisation in order to prevent uplink and downlink signals from clashing.

Kamis, 30 Juni 2016

RSRP Bad but SINR and RSRQ good

How to face an issue RSRP Bad but SINR and RSRQ good. my distance from site is 300m :

Low RSSI/RSCP but have a good SINR/RSRQ in such a short distance from site. This problem can be related to a couple things that I can think of.
1. sweep your antenna system to check if there is any defect(s) such as bad antenna, lines, connectors, etc. All these can contribute to low RSRP
2. if the sweep measurement is good, might want to check out tilt and/or investigate tilts to see if there is something that may alter the antenna pattern.
3. Check your power setting just in case if it was set to very minimal level.
if there is no obstacles towards the sector so antenna issue is suspected ,cross partial, vswr.

EcNo Improvement

How to EcNo improvement :
Try to troubleshoot the root cause of EcNo degradation.. Check below the major reasons and there rectification methodologies
1) Pilot Pollution: Analyse the Scan Mode DT in areas where EcNo is degraded.. If you find more than 4 to 5 or above SCs serving with in 5 to 10 dbm of ur best cell (and best cell is above -80 to -85 dbm) than go for tilt adjustments or Pilot power optimization.
2) Coverage Issue: If best cell is below -85 or -90 depending upon clutter type than try to increase coverage of logical server.
3) If RSCP is good and no pilot pollution: than try to reduce Max power of cells that doesn't have power rejections . this will improve the denominator of the EcNo formula i.e 10log(pilot/channel)
4)If none of the above condition is met than re-drive the areas in offload and loaded hours and check the difference, if offload hours EcNo is good than its purely Loading Impact and go for load sharing b/w freq(if more than 1 freq available)

improve DL/UL throughput in LTE & what are the causes for Poor DL/UL

How can improve DL/UL throughput in LTE & what are the causes for Poor DL/UL :

Throughput of cell mainly depends on CQI which is directly dependent on SINR.SINR depends on user number, bad dominant signal condition(RSSI),RSRP,RSRQ. So, improving the interference condition will lead to the better throughput. Throughput also depends on network latency. Also need to take into consideration your Carrier BW vs connected users/5MHz (anything over 65 users/5MHz leads to congestion), Overall DL/UL Spectral Efficiency, PRB Utilization%, PDCCH Usage, PCI Confusion, Overshooting cells, and Backhaul type/bandwidth.

Sabtu, 23 April 2016

Dekuliner, Tempat makan Murah Sehat,nyaman dan Free WiFi

Buat agan agan para dokter Signal, encang encing enyak babeh, dan para muda mudi yang bingung mau cari tempat makan yang enak, murah dan nyaman disini aja Dekuliner "-6.50831, 106.795"
"DeKuliner, menyediakan Soto Ayam, Pecel Lele, Nasi Goreng, Mie Ayam, Bakso dan masih banyak yang lainnya, tempat nyaman, parkiran luas, dan pastinya Free WiFi. Yuk cobain deh datang yang pasti lain dari pada yang lain. Jika ada tempat yang lebih dekat dan tidak terjebak macet ngapain harus susah2 nyari yang jauh, DeKuliner lah solusinya.

Ayuk tunggu apa lagi, buat agan2 anak2 muda yang mencari tempat tongrongan nyaman Dekuliner ajah. kami tunggu kehadirannya ya. Salam Sukses untuk semua.

Rabu, 16 Maret 2016

Causes of Radio Link Fault

The causes of radio link fault can be :
Internal interference
External interference
Equipment interference

Coverage hole
Isolated island
Uplink/downlink imbalance

Improper parameter setting
Radio link timeout, SACCH multi-frames
Handover parameters
Power control parameters

Equipment problem (Antenna, feeder, combiner, TRX)
Clock problem
Transmission problem

Sabtu, 17 Januari 2015

Catatan Seorang DT-2

Kali ini saatnya belajar tentang Drive Test lagi.
Kenapa pake lagi? Karena sudah pernah belajar
sebelumnya tentunya, melalui training malahan.
Namun, itu dulu, tepatnya CDMA Drive Test
Training. Sekarang, yang ingin di pelajari adalah
drive test (DT) untuk 2G (GSM) dan 3G
(UMTS). Berhubung tools DT nya ga punya,
maka sementara belajarnya melalui tulisan2 yg
beredar di internet dulu dan tetap dengan bantuan
mbah gugel tentunya .

Jumat, 16 Januari 2015


Apa itu Rx level = Rx level adalah tingkat kuat level penerima di MS (RENTANG DALAM MINUS dB)MAKIN KECIL NILAINYA MAKIN LEMAH SINYALNYA

APA ITU rX qUAL  = rX QUAL ADALAH tingkat kualitas level penerima di ms (rentang 0-7)makin besar nilainya makin jelek kualitas sinyalnya

Rabu, 14 Januari 2015

Step by Step Cara membeuat Analysis Report

Kadang kita di suruh untuk membuat Report hasil DT  tanpa di beri template / contoh report
kali ini saya akan share bijimana cara membuat report sendiri.

1. Judul : judul dihalaman paling depan itu sanagat penting agar yg nantinya review tidak biangung
2. Tanggal saat melakukan drive test dan Summary  : di isi juga tanggal saat melakukan DT Before dan after , bisanya customer akan kompare hasil DT dengan data performance dari temen2 OSS
3. Buat chart Before dan After, baik chart untuk KPI's or chart number bad Spot.
4. Buatlah kaliamat yeang jelas yang mudah di mengerti orang.
5. Bautlah justifikasi, jika memang di perlukan.
6. buatlah summary jika untuk site audit jika memang ada.

Minggu, 11 Januari 2015

TA and PD (Propagation Delay) counters

The Propagation Delay information are (also) available in simple form of Performance counters.

These types of counters are available in pre-set ranges according to each vendor. The ranges vary from 1 Propagation Delay to several 'grouped' Propagation Delay.
For example in Huawei have some TA ranges in GSM, and other PD ranges in WCDMA (Note: Huawei calls these propagation delay counter s as TP instead of PD). For an 'ideal' scenario, we would have counters for 'each' Propagation Delay.


The Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number (ARFCN) is a unique number given to each radio channel in GSM. The ARFCN can be used to calculate the exact frequency of the radio channel.
Within the GSM900 band ARFCN 1 to 124 are used. In the GSM1800 band ARFCN 512 to 885 are used. The ARFCNs used in GSM1900 overlap with the ARFCNs used in GSM1800. In GSM1900, ARFCN 512 to 810 are used. A multiband mobile phone will interpret ARFCN numbers 512 to 810 as either GSM1800 or GSM1900 frequencies. The mobile phone will need an additional parameter BAND_INDICATOR to make the correct interpretation.
A complete list of the ARFCNs and the associated radiochannels is given in the table below.
GSM400GSM450259 ≤ n ≤ 293450.6 + 0,2×(n-259)fup(n) + 10
GSM480306 ≤ n ≤ 340479.0 + 0,2×(n-306)fup(n) + 10
GSM700GSM750438 ≤ n ≤ 511747.2 + 0.2×(n-438)fup(n) + 30
GSM850GSM850128 ≤ n ≤ 251824.2 + 0.2×(n-128)fup(n) + 45
GSM900Primary GSM1 ≤ n ≤ 124890 + 0.2×nfup(n) + 45
Extended GSM0 ≤ n ≤ 124
975 ≤ n ≤ 1023
890 + 0.2×n
890 + 0.2×(n-1024)
fup(n) + 45
GSM Rail0 ≤ n ≤ 124
955 ≤ n ≤ 1023
890 + 0.2×n
890 + 0.2×(n-1024)
fup(n) + 45
512 ≤ n ≤ 8851710.2 + 0.2×(n-512)fup(n) + 95
512 ≤ n ≤ 8101850.2 + 0.2×(n-512)fup(n) + 80

UMTS WCDMA Handover / Handoff

UMTS handover types
Within UMTS it is possible to define a number of different types of UMTS handover or handoff. With the advent of generic CDMA technology, new possibilities for effecting more reliable forms of handover became possible, and as a result one of a variety of different forms of handover are available depending upon the different circumstances.

Jumat, 09 Januari 2015

Ec/Io (and Eb/No)

What is Ec/Io (and Eb/No)?

If someone asks you "Which Signal Level for good call quality: -80 dbm or -90 dBm?"
Beware, if you respond quickly, you might end up missing. This is because the correct answer is ... it depends! The Signal Strength is a very important and essential measure for any technology (GSM, CDMA, UMTS, LTE, etc.). However, it is not the only one: let's talk a little today about another magnitude, equally important: the Signal Noise Ratio.

Equipment , Collection Software And Conclusion

Equipment and Collection Software 

We have spoken enough of them. And what are the equipment and collection software recommended?
Well, that question is not easy. Let's make an analogy: What is the car that you will buy next year?
Got it? You'll have to check what your need, availability in the market, and the best cost benefit. You may even continue by walking.
And with the equipment and software to collect and post-processing of Drive Test is the same.
You should verify if it is compatible with your network, what are the differential costs and benefits, not least, support!
Remember that new tools and features are constantly emerging. Keep up to date on this subject.
Note: we could have listed here some equipment and software, for example, the one we use. But we prefer not to quote any of them, to avoid the risk of eventually being somewhat unfair.

Types of Calls

The Drive Test is performed according to the need, and the types of test calls are the same that the network supports - calls can be voice, data, video, etc.. Everything depends on the technology (GSM, CDMA, UMTS, etc. ...), and the purpose of the test, as always.
A typical Drive Test uses two phones. A mobile performing calls (CALL) for a specific number from time to time, configured in the Collecting Software. And the other, in free or IDLE mode, ie connected, but not on call. With this, we collect specific data in IDLE and CALL modes for the network.
The calls test (CALL) can be of two types: long or short duration.
Short calls should last the average of a user call - a good reference value is 180 seconds. Serve to check whether the calls are being established and successfully completed (being a good way to also check the network setup time).
Long calls serve to verify if the handovers (continuity between the cells) of the network are working, ie calls must not drop.

Types of Drive Test

The main types of Drive Test are :
  • Performance Analysis
  • Integration of New Sites and change parameters of Existing Sites
  • Marketing
  • Benchmarking

Tests for Analysis Performance is the most common, and usually made into clusters (grouping of cells), ie, an area with some sites of interest. They can also be performed in specific situations, as to answer a customer complaint.

In integration testing of new sites, it is recommended to perform two tests: one with the site without handover permission - not being able to handover to another site - thus obtaining a total visualization of the coverage area. The other, later, with normal handover, which is the final state of the site.

Depending on the type of alteration of the site (if any change in EIRP) both tests are also recommended. Otherwise, just perform the normal test.

Marketing tests are usually requested by the marketing area of the company, for example showing the coverage along a highway, or at a specific region/location.

Benchmarking tests aims to compare the competing networks. If the result is better, can be used as an argument for new sales. If worse, it shows the points where the network should be improved.

About the Drive Test

What is a Drive Test?

Drive Test, as already mentioned, is the procedure to perform a test while driving. The vehicle does not really matter, you can do a drive test using a motorcycle or bicycle. What matters is the hardware and software used in the test.
  • A notebook - or other similar device (1)
  • with collecting Software installed (2),
  • a Security Key - Dongle - common to these types of software (3),
  • at least one Mobile Phone (4),
  • one GPS (5),
  • and a Scanner – optional (6).

KPI (CDR,CSSR)formulas for different Vendors

KPI (CDR,CSSR)formulas for different Vendors


CDR = (Call Drops on Radio Interface in Stable State (Traffic Channel) + Call Drops on Radio Interface in Handover State (Traffic Channel) + Call Drops due to No MRs from MS for a Long Time (Traffic Channel) + Call Drops due to Abis Terrestrial Link Failure (Traffic Channel) + Call Drops due to Equipment Failure (Traffic Channel) + Call Drops due to Forced Handover (Traffic Channel)) / (Successful TCH Seizures (Traffic Channel)) * 100
CSSR = (Success Rate of TCH Assignment*Success Rate of Call Setup (Immediate Assignment)/10000)*100


CDR = Total TCH Drops / [Total TCH Seizures - (Successful HO Out) - (Successful Intracell HO)]= MC736+MC621+MC14c+MC739+MC921c) / ((MC717a + MC717b) + (MC718) - (MC712))

CSSR= SDCCH Assignment Success Rate * TCH Assignment Success Rate or =(1-SDCCH drop rate)*(1-TCH congestion rate)*(1-TCH assignment failure rate)= [1-([(MC138+MC07+MC137)] / [(MC01+MC02)])] * [1-([(MC140a- (MC142e+MC142f)- MC718] / [MC140a- (MC142e+MC142f)])]

CDR=Total TCH Drops / [Total TCH Seizures - (Successful HO Out) - (Successful Intracell HO)]= C11615/[(C11657+C11659+C11921+C11923+C11667)-(C11669)]
CSSR= SDCCH Assignment Success Rate * TCH Assignment Success Rate or =(1-SDCCH drop rate)*(1-TCH congestion rate)*(1-TCH assignment failure rate)=

Sabtu, 29 November 2014


Serving + Neighbors  menunjukkan informasi    tingkat kuat level penerima di MS (RENTANG DALAM MINUS dB)MAKIN KECIL NILAINYA MAKIN LEMAH SINYALNYA .

Jumat, 28 November 2014

Membagi SDSR dalam 3 fase

Jika Rumus SDSR, : SDSR =
NASUSDPE = Number of successful SDCCH seizures in a period
NRFLSDCC = Number of lost radio links while using an SDCCH
NATTSDPE = Number of attempted SDCCH seizures in a period

SDSR issue

Ini ada sekedar sharing untuk memperbaiki masalah SDSR. Memang ini masih jauh dari analisis yang mendalam.Tapi paling tidak, kita bisa menscreening awal site-site yang harus kita naikkan KPI SDSR nya.

Minggu, 23 November 2014


MNC ( Mobile Network Code )

Seperti yang kita ketahui untuk  setiap masing2 operator itu memiliki Nilai MNC ( Mobile Network Code ) yang berbeda beda,
Seperti : 

1. MNC INDOSAT   = 1 
3. MNC XL        = 11
4. MNC Tri (HCPT)= 89
5. MNC Axis(NTS) = 8

Catatan Seorang DT

##### 2G #####

Cell Selection : proses sinkronisasi awal saat MS dinyalakan sehingga terhubung ke operator jaringan seluler dan layanan jaringan dapat digunakan sepenuhnya.
cell reselection : proses perpindahan mobile user dari satu cell ke cell yang lain pada saat idle mode atau MS sedang tidak melakukan panggilan.

Analysis Bad RxQual due to Missing Neighbor & Late Handover

Dear Friend, 

on this blog i will share how to analysis bad Qual due to Missing Neighbor & Late Handover

Analysis base on the Drive Test

Bad Qual due to missing neighbor   : 


  • Perhatikan SDCCH Blocking, jika ada blocking, segera tambah jumlah SDCCH (lihat contoh CR parameter).Lalu jika tidak ada SDCCH Blocking.
  • Check SCANTRX untuk RXQUAL UL/ DL menggunakan tools Batrana
  • Perhatikan distribusi RXQual per TRX/ CU dan buat ranking terhadap TRX tersebut. Catt : nilai acuan untuk RXQual dengan menggunakan SFH adalah : RXQual 0-5 TRX BCCH >= 98%, RXQual 0-5 TRX TCH >= 95%.
  • Perhatikan posisi SDCCH saat ini pada setiap TRX.
  • Pindahkah posisi SDCCH dari TRX yang RXQual-nya buruk ke TRX yang RXQual-nya bagus. (perhatikan contoh CR Parameter)
  • Tambahan untuk kasus-kasus tertentu dengan hasil RXQual UL/DL sangat buruk pada TRX tertentu (untuk expansion diperhatikan apakah TRX yang RXQualnya buruk adalah new TRX atau existing TRX), RXQUAL 0-5 < 90%, segera cek Alarm ke OMC untuk site tersebut dan segera kirimkan KOR ke yang bertanggungjawab untuk melakukan troubleshooting terhadap Instalasi/ HW.

Bekal Sukses Itu Bernama "PD"

Dear Sahabtku yang baik hati dan tidak sombong Masalah krisis kepercayaan diri (krisis PD) seringkali menjadi salah satu masalah klasik yang dialami oleh sebagian orang. Meski kelihatannya sederhana, namun jika dibiarkan berlama-lama, krisis PD bisa jadi bumerang tersendiri. Salah satunya, potensi yang ada dalam diri kita akan terhambat. Sekarang mari kita ulas sejauh mana pengaruh kepercayaan diri bisa mempengaruhi keberhasilan seseorang. Saat menghadiri seminar atau sebuah pertemuan misalnya, banyak di antara kita yang lebih nyaman memilih tempat duduk di belakang ketimbang di depan. Alasannya kadang sederhana.. "takut ditanya sama si pembicara". lol Namun saat seminar sudah dimulai, yang duduk paling belakang

Sabtu, 22 November 2014

Step by step to install VPN

Configure VPN Access (windows O/S ):

1. Choose Start > Run. Enter regedit and click OK. The Registry Editor window is

Rumus Path loss (Theodore, 1997: 116-122).

Rumus Path loss (Theodore, 1997: 116-122).

Cara Membuat CellFile

Seringkali kita mendapat task untuk melakukan drive test namun kita hanya dibekali
beberapa data saja, misalnya : Koordinat site saja, atau MCOM saja. Sementara untuk
melakukan drive test kita tdk hanya membutuhkan data2 tersebut namun juga Cellfile (yg
berisi data SiteName, BSIC, Cell ID, Neighbour dan data penting lain) agar proses Collect
data berlangsung dengan baik. Jika demikian kondisinya, mau tidak mau kita harus siap
dengan keadaan ini dan berusaha sebisa mungkin membuat data berdasarkan resource yg

Jaringan Wireless

Jaringan Wireless mempunyai karakteristik yang berbeda dengan jaringan kabel pada umumnya. Pada Jaringan Wireless / Wifi / Nirkabel banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja dan kehandalan dari jaringan Wireless. Beberapa hal secara teknisnya adalah Panjang Gelombang (Wavelength), Frekuensi yang digunakan dalam transmisi data, dan Amplitudo (kekuatan sinyal), dan EIRP (Effective Isotropic Radiated Power). Hal tersebut diatas biasa dibicarakan juga pada sinyal gelombang Radio. Tentunya karena Jaringan Wireless menggunakan Gelombang Radio untuk transmisi datanya.  Karena media transmisinya menggunakan sinyal radio (RF) maka tentunya banyak faktor alam juga yang mempengaruhi.  Beberapa penjelasan dari yang disebutkan diatas adalah sebagai berikut :

Jumat, 01 Juli 2011

Tutorial Membuat MCOM dengan Map Info

Tutorial Membuat MCOM dengan Map Info
Beberapa saat yg lalu, kita sudah pernah membahas tentang bagaimana membuat MCOM sederhana
jika kita hanya memiliki data Lon Lat dan Azimuth site dengan MCOM (anda bisa membacanya disini).
Kali ini, kita akan mencoba membuat MCOM melalui software yg lebih familiar bagi para DT Engineer,
yaitu Map Info. Untuk membuatnya, diperlukan sebuah Tools bernama SiteSee.mbx. Oke, langsung saja
kita mulai :