The Drive Test is performed according to the need, and the types of test calls are the same that the network supports - calls can be voice, data, video, etc.. Everything depends on the technology (GSM, CDMA, UMTS, etc. ...), and the purpose of the test, as always.
A typical Drive Test uses two phones. A mobile performing calls (CALL) for a specific number from time to time, configured in the Collecting Software. And the other, in free or IDLE mode, ie connected, but not on call. With this, we collect specific data in IDLE and CALL modes for the network.
The calls test (CALL) can be of two types: long or short duration.
Short calls should last the average of a user call - a good reference value is 180 seconds. Serve to check whether the calls are being established and successfully completed (being a good way to also check the network setup time).
Long calls serve to verify if the handovers (continuity between the cells) of the network are working, ie calls must not drop.